International Tea Day

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International Tea Day

Tea harvesting in Sri Lanka, one of the celebrants of International Tea Day

An International Tea Day has been celebrated on December 15, since 2005, in tea producing countries like India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, Uganda and Tanzania.[4] International Tea Day aims to draw global attention of governments and citizens to the impact of the global tea trade on workers and growers, and has been linked to requests for price supports and fair trade.


Step aside, coffee and Coca Cola, for International Tea Day on December 15, we drink the most popular beverage in the world. The day mainly seeks to raise awareness on the impact the tea trade has on farmers and workers but is also celebrated by tea lovers worldwide. Did you know that the origins of tea have been traced back to China? It was mostly used for medicinal purposes until the 17th century when tea made its way to the United Kingdom. The main types include black, green, white, herbal, oolong, and pu’erh. While this holiday has been observed since 2005, in 2019 the United Nations introduced a new International Tea Day on May 21. We, of course, celebrate both, who doesn’t want double tea?

History of International Tea Day

There is no better way to start our day than with the pleasant taste and aroma of tea. Legend has it that tea was first discovered over 4000 years ago in China by Emperor Nun Shen. On one of his visits to a remote region, the leaves of a nearby tree blew into a pot of boiling water which his servants had placed over a fire. The refreshing aroma invited the Emperor to taste the beverage, and the first cup of tea was born.

In the 16th century, tea made its way across the globe to Europe by Dutch traders, where it became a widely traded commodity thanks to the establishment of the East India Company in England. The rest, as they say, is history.

Other than its taste and benefits, tea’s contributions to culture and socioeconomic development are just as relevant. Grown in over 35 countries, the cultivation of tea supports the livelihoods of over 13 million people.

Started by trade unions in 2005, International Tea Day celebrates the health benefits, economic importance, and cultural heritage of tea, all the while ensuring a more sustainable production from fields to our cups. Bringing together civil society organizations and small tea growers and businesses, this holiday aims to regulate uneven competition, safety regulations, land occupation, social security, living wages, and women’s rights for all tea workers.

Seminars, public campaigns, and presentations are traditionally held. The goal is to strengthen the regulations for tea growers’ associations. Other than recognizing tea as a big export crop for countries that produce it, tea culture is also celebrated by enthusiasts.

International Tea Day timeline

350 A.D.

It’s Official

A Chinese dictionary mentions tea for the first time with the name ‘Erh Ya.’


A Good Read

Japanese Buddhist Eisai pens the first Japanese book on tea, titled Kitcha-Yojoki or Book of Tea Sanitation.


Tea Parties of a different kind.

Disputes over taxes on tea resulted in the Boston Tea Party, when outraged citizens, with merchants storming ships to horde barrels of tea.


Introducing Lipton

Thomas Lipton opened his first tea shop in Glasgow.

December 21, 2019

Tea Resolution

According to the United Nations, the resolution to observe International Tea Day annually on May 21 was passed.


How To Celebrate International Tea Day

  1. Try a new flavor
    From mint to apple, to a whole fusion of assorted ingredients, try a new tea flavor!
  2. Host a tea party
    Round up the gang and host a tea party! You can prepare different blends of tea or even have a theme like a vintage English tea party.
  3. Learn about your local tea producers.
    It’s good to learn about how your favorite tea blend is sourced and produced. If a company’s policies are not fair to their workers, you may want to switch to a different brand.


Annique’s Rooibos tea is a caffeine-free drink from Clanwilliam in the Western Cape. This product is all-natural, free of any preservatives or artificial colourants and hygienically treated.

Rooibos is good for everybody and is never harmful. If thirsty, it quenches; if exercising, it strengthens; if sleepless, it induces sound sleep.

All-in-all, Annique Rooibos tea is the world’s most superb health drink.

There are 18 different teas to test!  Each tea has a specific remedy to an everyday ailment.

Check out this video for more “good to know” facts:


The Most Expensive Tea in the World

–  At $1.2 million per kilogram, China’s ‘The Big Red Robe’ is the most expensive tea in the world

– China is the largest tea producer worldwide. Its varieties include black and green teas, along with other native specialty blends.

–  According to, approximately 100 million cups of tea are consumed by British people on a daily basis.

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