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A few thoughts on 2022

In my life, which is a little more than a half century, I have often seen too many “RESTING IN PROCRASTERNATION” (which I am also guilty of at times), but recently more so through my line of business.

I am amazed how a person can go from “all fired up, ready to go” to a dead standstill, with no ambition and limited interest, in the shortest period of time!

So the fancy word (according to Google) for this person is “PROCRASTINATOR” – someone who puts off the start or finish of tasks by substituting a more attractive or satisfying activity in its place, or comes up with a list of excuses that will simply amaze you.  The only difference being that most do start, but the task at hand is never seen through, as a matter of fact the engine stops pretty much right after it started!!  If you want to see evidence of that only look at how many New Year’s resolutions can actually be ticked off your list at the end of a year.

In South Africa I find that a majority of people are always seeking a brighter future, additional income, a better life, something that will take the world by storm, wants to realize their dreams, work from home, wants to get educated, learn new skills, get FREE thing, and the list goes on.   So what’s the problem then, you may ask?  They problem is this, they all want it to happen overnight with little or no effort and without having to leave their comfort zones!!  As if all of this can become a reality by waving a magic wand (which by the way, someone else has to wave for them!).

Through a recent personal growth program I enrolled in I have learned that this cycle is pretty much an inherited trail of thoughts engraved into minds which become habitual behaviour.   So it boils down to – you are what you think you are or what you’ve been taught you are and therefore respond and live accordingly.  It has been said that on average 60% of grant recipients are based on generational habits.  In other words, my father received a government grant, and so did he’s father, and he’s father, and therefore I now also receive government grant to sustain myself and will also teach my children to do so.   It therefore comes back to habitual behaviour inherited from one generation to the next.  This is also evident when looking into behaviour patterns of cultures and/or groups of people – factors that may or may not have impacted on certain cultures and/or groups of people – will live on for years to come even though the “factors” are no longer in existence.  I would personally refer to this as “riding the wave” syndrome.  It boils down do gaining sympathy or empathy based on facts that are no longer true and/or relevant to gain something from it which you are not entitled to or don’t have to work for to get it.

The opposite of a procrastinator is a sedulous person – someone who works hard and doesn’t give up easily.  This is the kind of person you want to build business relations with and have on your team.  It’s the person that will do anything in their might and power to be successful and make something work.  NO excuses, simply does what needs to be done to get things done.  Often painlessly striving to be perfect at everything they do and if they don’t know how, will go to all sorts of extends to gain knowledge and know-how to ensure they can do what needs to be done.  Educational background is not as important to a sedulous person.  They become successful at what they do with what they have.  There are many examples of these in the history.  Ellen Degeneres; Oprah Winfrey; Richard Branson; and Kim Kardashian, are but a few examples of people who reached great heights in their lives without massive college and/or university degrees or diplomas.

 The movie – The Secret – left a great impact on me at the turn of 2021.  It is a documentary movie in which various persons explain the power of the mind and what tremendous tool our minds can be.  How changing our thought patters, can change our behaviour, and impact our habitual behaviour, left me astound.  The building and up keeping of a vision board that portrays our dreams and wishes is such a powerful tool, I learned.  It took me back to the biblical scripture “And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and make it plain upon tables that he may run that reads it.  For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie; though it tarry, wait for it because it will surely come, wait for it.”  (Habakkuk 2:2-4).

 Powered by my vision for 2022 and my subsequent vision board in the making, I will strife to lay my procrastinator personality to rest and nurture and grow my sedulous baby to adulthood and carry my dreams and visions on the tables of my heart and see them become reality. 

I wish you a happy and sedulous 2022 and pray that we all leave our procrastinator to R.I.P.

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