Essense Day Booster Essential Oil – 5ml


Essense Day Booster Essential Oil – 5ml

Essense Day Booster Essential Oil – 5ml
Categories: Essense | Treatment

Rooibos naturally contains high amounts of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. This helps to make skin healthy and glowing. It also has anti-ageing properties, reduces eczema and acne. Incorporating Rooibos Infused Oil into your daily skin care routine can improve the look and feel of skin.

Lavender is packed with antioxidants that protect and nourish your skin, making it a perfect addition to any skin care routine. Lavender is also antimicrobial and antibacterial, so it can be used to treat an acne flare-up or keep it at bay.

Boosts the benefits of your moisturiser to give your skin a healthy glow.

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